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Are you a paediatrician, nurse, nephrologist or any other health care professional working around high BP with children and adolescents?

The HyperChildNET COST Action seeks to engage and benefit the paediatric clinicians and health care professionals to improve the diagnosis and treatment of high BP in children and adolescents. To this end, in this section, you will be able to find out:

  • Internationally validated knowledge and guidelines for BP devices, reference values, patient categorisation, improved diagnosis and treatment.
  • Knowledge and guidelines to improve BP prevention from the paediatric age to provide more effective treatments and reduce future budget burden in adulthood.

Furthermore, we invite you to participate in our Working Groups. The HyperChildNET COST Action is organised into 5 Working Groups (WGs), each addressing a different aspect of high BP in children and adolescents such as measurement, treatment prevention, impact and so on. You can learn more on the WGs in the “Working Groups” section. If you are interested to become a member of one of these WGs, please consult here.

More details to be provided soon.